
Doctor Who Season 1



An Unearthly Child

23rd November 1963
(23 mins)

Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child - An Unearthly Child (1/4)

Episode 1 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
Two school teachers become concerned for one of their students, Susan. Following her home to an old junk yard.

30th November 1963
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child - The Cave of Skulls (2/4)

Episode 2 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
With 1963 London left behind, the teachers are amazed to find themselves on prehistoric Earth.

7th December 1963
(23 mins)

Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child - The Forest of Fear (3/4)

Episode 3 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
The time travellers escape path to the TARDIS through the forest holds dangers of its own.

14th December 1963
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child - The Firemaker (4/4)

Episode 4 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
Kal has been banished from the tribe and Ian is making fire for Za in the hope that he will be grateful.

The Daleks

21st December 1963
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Daleks - The Dead Planet (1/7)

Episode 1 of 7 from The Daleks
Beyond a petrified jungle the time travellers see a huge metal city which the Doctor is determined to explore.

28th December 1963
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Daleks - The Survivors (2/7)

Episode 2 of 7 from The Daleks
Looking for Barbara, the Doctor, Ian and Susan discover that they have exposed to lethal doses of radiation.

4th January 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Daleks - The Escape (3/7)

Episode 3 of 7 from The Daleks
Realising that the Daleks are planning an ambush, the time travellers try to escape and warn the Thals.

11th January 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Daleks - The Ambush (4/7)

Episode 4 of 7 from The Daleks
The Doctor, Susan, and Barbara must leave Ian behind as the real Daleks show up and start attacking.

18th January 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Daleks - The Expedition (5/7)

Episode 5 of 7 from The Daleks
Ian and Barbara join a Thal expedition that will penetrate the Dalek city from the unguarded mountains behind it.

25th January 1964
(26 mins)

Doctor Who - The Daleks - The Ordeal (6/7)

Episode 6 of 7 from The Daleks
In the mountains, Ian, Barbara and the Thals must negotiate a vast chasm to reach the city.

1st February 1964
(22 mins)

Doctor Who - The Daleks - The Rescue (7/7)

Episode 7 of 7 from The Daleks
The Daleks start the countdown to release deadly doses of radiation into the atmosphere.

The Edge of Destruction

8th February 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Edge of Destruction - The Edge of Destruction (1/2)

Episode 1 of 2 from The Edge of Destruction
The TARDIS is suspended in space and the Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan are confused and frightened.

15th February 1964
(22 mins)

Doctor Who - The Edge of Destruction - The Brink of Disaster (2/2)

Episode 2 of 2 from The Edge of Destruction
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan become increasingly paranoid and hostile towards each other.

Marco Polo

22nd February 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - Marco Polo - The Roof of the World (1/7)

Episode 1 of 7 from Marco Polo
In the Himalayas and the Doctor, Barbara, Ian and Susan meet Marco Polo and join him on his journey.

29th February 1964
(27 mins)

Doctor Who - Marco Polo - The Singing Sands (2/7)

Episode 2 of 7 from Marco Polo
In the dry Gobi desert, Tegana secretly slashes the water gourds, losing almost all of the precious water.

7th March 1964
(22 mins)

Doctor Who - Marco Polo - Five Hundred Eyes (3/7)

Episode 3 of 7 from Marco Polo
At the Cave of Five Hundred Eyes, Tegana has a secret meeting with a bandit who he instructs to kill Marco Polo.

14th March 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - Marco Polo - The Wall of Lies (4/7)

Episode 4 of 7 from Marco Polo
In an effort to divert attention from himself, Tegana encourages Marco to be suspicious of the Doctor.

21st March 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - Marco Polo - Rider From Shang-Tu (5/7)

Episode 5 of 7 from Marco Polo
Ping Cho returns the TARDIS key to Susan so that the travellers might escape. But Tegana has other plans.

28th March 1964
(26 mins)

Doctor Who - Marco Polo - Mighty Kublai Khan (6/7)

Episode 6 of 7 from Marco Polo
Ian follows Ping Cho to Cheng-Ting and there discovers that the TARDIS has been stolen by Tegana's allies.

4th April 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - Marco Polo - Assassin at Peking (7/7)

Episode 7 of 7 from Marco Polo
Arriving at Kublai Khan's palace, the Doctor loses the TARDIS key to the Khan in a game of backgammon.

The Keys of Marinus

11th April 1964
(23 mins)

Doctor Who - The Keys of Marinus - The Sea of Death (1/6)

Episode 1 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
The TARDIS lands on a remote island, surrounded by a sea of acid, where the Conscience of Marinus is kept.

18th April 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Keys of Marinus - The Velvet Web (2/6)

Episode 2 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
In the city of Morphoton, the travellers are welcomed as honoured guests and given anything they want.

25th April 1964
(23 mins)

Doctor Who - The Keys of Marinus - The Screaming Jungle (3/6)

Episode 3 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
Ian and Barbara find a temple in the middle of a hostile jungle. Inside is Darrius, keeper of one of the keys.

2nd May 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Keys of Marinus - The Snows of Terror (4/6)

Episode 4 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
In a snowy wasteland, Vasor, an unscrupulous trapper, imprisons the travellers in a frozen cavern.

9th May 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Keys of Marinus - Sentence of Death (5/6)

Episode 5 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
Arriving in the city of Millennius, Ian is put on trial for murder. The Doctor takes on the role of defence counsel.

16th May 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Keys of Marinus - The Keys of Marinus (6/6)

Episode 6 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
With Ian now free, the travellers return to the island only to discover that Arbitan has been murdered.

The Aztecs

23rd May 1964
(23 mins)

Doctor Who - The Aztecs - The Temple of Evil (1/4)

Episode 1 of 4 from The Aztecs
The TARDIS lands inside an Aztec temple in 15th Century Mexico and become cut off from the ship.

30th May 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Aztecs - The Warriors of Death (2/4)

Episode 2 of 4 from The Aztecs
Tlotoxl begins to doubt Barbara's claim to be the reincarnation of Yetaxa and plots to undermine her position.

6th June 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Aztecs - The Bride of Sacrifice (3/4)

Episode 3 of 4 from The Aztecs
Barbara attempts to distract Tlotoxl but the High Priest of Sacrifice already has plans for Susan.

13th June 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Aztecs - The Day of Darkness (4/4)

Episode 4 of 4 from The Aztecs
Tlotoxl is preparing to make his move and have Barbara, the Doctor, Ian and Susan killed.

The Sensorites

20th June 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Sensorites - Strangers in Space (1/6)

Episode 1 of 6 from The Sensorites
The TARDIS lands inside a spaceship orbiting the planet Sense-Sphere. The crew on board appear dead.

27th June 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Sensorites - The Unwilling Warriors (2/6)

Episode 2 of 6 from The Sensorites
The spaceship is boarded by the Sensorites who steal the lock mechanism from the TARDIS.

11th July 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Sensorites - Hidden Danger (3/6)

Episode 3 of 6 from The Sensorites
The Sensorites take the Doctor, Susan, Ian and the spaceship crew down to the surface of the Sense-Sphere.

18th July 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Sensorites - A Race Against Death (4/6)

Episode 4 of 6 from The Sensorites
On the Sense-Sphere, Ian has succumbed to the deadly illness that is spreading through the Sensorite city

25th July 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Sensorites - Kidnap (5/6)

Episode 5 of 6 from The Sensorites
The Doctor still searches for a cure for the mysterious illness but is undermined by the Sensorite Administrator.

1st August 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Sensorites - A Desperate Venture (6/6)

Episode 6 of 6 from The Sensorites
The Doctor discovers that the illness is a deadly poisoning that has been introduced into the city water supply.

The Reign of Terror

8th August 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror - A Land of Fear (1/6)

Episode 1 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
The TARDIS mistakenly materialises in 18th Century France during the French Revolution.

15th August 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror - Guests of Madame Guillotine (2/6)

Episode 2 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
In Paris, Ian, Barbara and Susan are sentenced to death under the blade of the guillotine.

22nd August 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror - A Change of Identity (3/6)

Episode 3 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
Barbara and Susan are saved from death by.the guillotine by two French royalists, Jules and Jean.

29th August 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror - The Tyrant of France (4/6)

Episode 4 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
Leon, a supporter of the monarchy, orchestrates a plan for Barbara to convey Susan to a medical practitioner.

5th September 1964
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror - A Bargain of Necessity (5/6)

Episode 5 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
The Doctor arranges for Barbara's escape when they reunite at the prison, while Susan stays imprisoned.

12th September 1964
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror - Prisoners of Conciergerie (6/6)

Episode 6 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
The Doctor guides Lemaitre to the royalist house where he discloses his true identity.


  • The Daleks

  • Dr. WhoWilliam Hartnell
  • Ian ChestertonWilliam Russell
  • Barbara WrightJacqueline Hill
  • Susan ForemanCarole Ann Ford
  • Dalek VoicePeter Hawkins
  • Dalek VoiceDavid Graham
  • TemmosusAlan Wheatley
  • AlydonJohn Lee
  • DyoniVirginia Wetherell
  • GanatusPhilip Bond
  • AntodusMarcus Hammond
  • KristasJonathan Crane
  • ElyonGerald Curtis
  • Dalek OperatorPeter Murphy
  • ThalChris Browning
  • ThalKatie Cashfield
  • ThalVez Delahunt
  • ThalKevin Glenny
  • ThalRuth Harrison
  • ThalLesley Hill
  • ThalSteve Pokol
  • ThalJeanette Rossini
  • ThalEric Smith
  • Marco Polo

  • Dr. WhoWilliam Hartnell
  • Susan ForemanCarole Ann Ford
  • Barbara WrightJacqueline Hill
  • Ian ChestertonWilliam Russell
  • Marco PoloMark Eden
  • Man at LopLeslie Bates
  • Ping-ChoZienia Merton
  • TeganaDerren Nesbitt
  • ChenchuJimmy Gardner
  • AcomatPhilip Voss
  • MalikCharles Wade
  • Mongol BanditMichael Guest
  • Wang-loGabor Baraker
  • Ling-TauPaul Carson
  • KuijuTutte Lemkow
  • VizierPeter Lawrence
  • Kublai KhanMartin Miller
  • Office ForemanBasil Tang
  • EmpressClaire Davenport
  • The Keys of Marinus

  • Dr. WhoWilliam Hartnell
  • Ian ChestertonWilliam Russell
  • Barbara WrightJacqueline Hill
  • Susan ForemanCarole Ann Ford
  • ArbitanGeorge Coulouris
  • VoordMartin Cort
  • VoordPeter Stenson
  • VoordGordon Wales
  • AltosRobin Phillips
  • SabethaKatharine Schofield
  • Voice of MorphoHeron Carvic
  • WarriorMartin Cort
  • DarriusEdmund Warwick
  • VasorFrancis de Wolff
  • Ice SoldierMichael Allaby
  • Ice SoldierAlan James
  • Ice SoldierPeter Stenson
  • Ice SoldierAnthony Verner
  • TarronHenley Thomas
  • LarnMichael Allaby
  • Senior JudgeRaf de la Torre
  • First JudgeAlan James
  • Second JudgePeter Stenson
  • KalaFiona Walker
  • AydanMartin Cort
  • EyesenDonald Pickering
  • GuardAlan James
  • YartekStephen Dartnell
  • The Sensorites

  • Dr. WhoWilliam Hartnell
  • Ian ChestertonWilliam Russell
  • Barbara WrightJacqueline Hill
  • Susan ForemanCarole Ann Ford
  • JohnStephen Dartnell
  • CarolIlona Rogers
  • MaitlandLorne Cossette
  • 1st SensoriteKen Tyllsen
  • 2nd SensoriteJoe Greig
  • 3rd SensoritePeter Glaze
  • 4th SensoriteArthur Newall
  • First ElderEric Francis
  • Second ElderBartlett Mullins
  • SensoriteAnthony Rogers
  • SensoriteGerry Martin
  • First ScientistKen Tyllsen
  • Second ScientistJoe Greig
  • WarriorJoe Greig
  • CommanderJohn Bailey
  • First HumanMartyn Huntley
  • Second HumanGiles Phibbs
  • The Reign of Terror

  • Dr. WhoWilliam Hartnell
  • Ian ChestertonWilliam Russell
  • Barbara WrightJacqueline Hill
  • Susan ForemanCarole Ann Ford
  • Small BoyPeter Walker
  • RouvrayLaidlaw Dalling
  • D'ArgensonNeville Smith
  • SergeantRobert Hunter
  • LieutenantKen Lawrence
  • SoldierJames Hall
  • JudgeHoward Charlton
  • JailerJack Cunningham
  • WebsterJeffry Wickham
  • Road works overseerDallas Cavell
  • PeasantDenis Cleary
  • LemaitreJames Cairncross
  • JeanRoy Herrick
  • Jules RenanDonald Morley
  • ShopkeeperJohn Barrard
  • DanielleCaroline Hunt
  • Leon ColbertEdward Brayshaw
  • RobespierreKeith Anderson
  • PhysicianRonald Pickup
  • SoldierTerry Bale
  • Paul BarrassJohn Law
  • NapoleonTony Wall
  • SoldierPatrick Marley