An Unearthly Child
Episode 1 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
Two school teachers become concerned for one of their students, Susan. Following her home to an old junk yard.
Episode 2 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
With 1963 London left behind, the teachers are amazed to find themselves on prehistoric Earth.
Episode 3 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
The time travellers escape path to the TARDIS through the forest holds dangers of its own.
Episode 4 of 4 from An Unearthly Child
Kal has been banished from the tribe and Ian is making fire for Za in the hope that he will be grateful.
The Daleks
Episode 1 of 7 from The Daleks
Beyond a petrified jungle the time travellers see a huge metal city which the Doctor is determined to explore.
Episode 2 of 7 from The Daleks
Looking for Barbara, the Doctor, Ian and Susan discover that they have exposed to lethal doses of radiation.
Episode 3 of 7 from The Daleks
Realising that the Daleks are planning an ambush, the time travellers try to escape and warn the Thals.
Episode 4 of 7 from The Daleks
The Doctor, Susan, and Barbara must leave Ian behind as the real Daleks show up and start attacking.
Episode 5 of 7 from The Daleks
Ian and Barbara join a Thal expedition that will penetrate the Dalek city from the unguarded mountains behind it.
Episode 6 of 7 from The Daleks
In the mountains, Ian, Barbara and the Thals must negotiate a vast chasm to reach the city.
Episode 7 of 7 from The Daleks
The Daleks start the countdown to release deadly doses of radiation into the atmosphere.
The Edge of Destruction
Episode 1 of 2 from The Edge of Destruction
The TARDIS is suspended in space and the Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan are confused and frightened.
Episode 2 of 2 from The Edge of Destruction
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan become increasingly paranoid and hostile towards each other.
Marco Polo
Episode 1 of 7 from Marco Polo
In the Himalayas and the Doctor, Barbara, Ian and Susan meet Marco Polo and join him on his journey.
Episode 2 of 7 from Marco Polo
In the dry Gobi desert, Tegana secretly slashes the water gourds, losing almost all of the precious water.
Episode 3 of 7 from Marco Polo
At the Cave of Five Hundred Eyes, Tegana has a secret meeting with a bandit who he instructs to kill Marco Polo.
Episode 4 of 7 from Marco Polo
In an effort to divert attention from himself, Tegana encourages Marco to be suspicious of the Doctor.
Episode 5 of 7 from Marco Polo
Ping Cho returns the TARDIS key to Susan so that the travellers might escape. But Tegana has other plans.
Episode 6 of 7 from Marco Polo
Ian follows Ping Cho to Cheng-Ting and there discovers that the TARDIS has been stolen by Tegana's allies.
Episode 7 of 7 from Marco Polo
Arriving at Kublai Khan's palace, the Doctor loses the TARDIS key to the Khan in a game of backgammon.
The Keys of Marinus
Episode 1 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
The TARDIS lands on a remote island, surrounded by a sea of acid, where the Conscience of Marinus is kept.
Episode 2 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
In the city of Morphoton, the travellers are welcomed as honoured guests and given anything they want.
Episode 3 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
Ian and Barbara find a temple in the middle of a hostile jungle. Inside is Darrius, keeper of one of the keys.
Episode 4 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
In a snowy wasteland, Vasor, an unscrupulous trapper, imprisons the travellers in a frozen cavern.
Episode 5 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
Arriving in the city of Millennius, Ian is put on trial for murder. The Doctor takes on the role of defence counsel.
Episode 6 of 6 from The Keys of Marinus
With Ian now free, the travellers return to the island only to discover that Arbitan has been murdered.
The Aztecs
Episode 1 of 4 from The Aztecs
The TARDIS lands inside an Aztec temple in 15th Century Mexico and become cut off from the ship.
Episode 2 of 4 from The Aztecs
Tlotoxl begins to doubt Barbara's claim to be the reincarnation of Yetaxa and plots to undermine her position.
Episode 3 of 4 from The Aztecs
Barbara attempts to distract Tlotoxl but the High Priest of Sacrifice already has plans for Susan.
Episode 4 of 4 from The Aztecs
Tlotoxl is preparing to make his move and have Barbara, the Doctor, Ian and Susan killed.
The Sensorites
Episode 1 of 6 from The Sensorites
The TARDIS lands inside a spaceship orbiting the planet Sense-Sphere. The crew on board appear dead.
Episode 2 of 6 from The Sensorites
The spaceship is boarded by the Sensorites who steal the lock mechanism from the TARDIS.
Episode 3 of 6 from The Sensorites
The Sensorites take the Doctor, Susan, Ian and the spaceship crew down to the surface of the Sense-Sphere.
Episode 4 of 6 from The Sensorites
On the Sense-Sphere, Ian has succumbed to the deadly illness that is spreading through the Sensorite city
Episode 5 of 6 from The Sensorites
The Doctor still searches for a cure for the mysterious illness but is undermined by the Sensorite Administrator.
Episode 6 of 6 from The Sensorites
The Doctor discovers that the illness is a deadly poisoning that has been introduced into the city water supply.
The Reign of Terror
Episode 1 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
The TARDIS mistakenly materialises in 18th Century France during the French Revolution.
Episode 2 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
In Paris, Ian, Barbara and Susan are sentenced to death under the blade of the guillotine.
Episode 3 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
Barbara and Susan are saved from death by.the guillotine by two French royalists, Jules and Jean.
Episode 4 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
Leon, a supporter of the monarchy, orchestrates a plan for Barbara to convey Susan to a medical practitioner.
Episode 5 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
The Doctor arranges for Barbara's escape when they reunite at the prison, while Susan stays imprisoned.
Episode 6 of 6 from The Reign of Terror
The Doctor guides Lemaitre to the royalist house where he discloses his true identity.