Originally set up by the United Nations
U.N.I.T Unified Intelligence Taskforce – previously called the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce is an Earth organisation set up by the United Nations to investigate aliens and alien objects that come to Earth.

U.N.I.T is an Earth organisation set up by the United Nations to investigate aliens and alien objects that come to Earth after the Yeti invasion

The Invasion
The Doctor first meets the newly formed U.N.I.T run by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Season 7
The Third Doctor had been exiled to Earth by the Time Lords, and he agreed to join U.N.I.T as its Scientific Advisor

Season 8
U.N.I.T and the Doctor try to stop the Master invading Earth

The Three Doctors
The 3rd Doctor’s exile was lifted after he helped the Time Lords defeat Omega

The Time Warrior
Journalist Sarah Jane Smith investigates U.N.I.T where the top scientists are being held

Invasion of the Dinosaurs
London has been evacuated because of the mysterious appearance of dinosaurs which U.N.I.T are investigating

The Planet of the Spiders
The Brigadier witnesses the Doctor’s regeneration

Terror of the Zygons
The Brigadier asks for the Doctor’s help whilst investigation attacks on North Sea oil rigs

The Seeds of Doom
UNIT get called in to help defeat the Krynoids. None of the regular U.N.I.T team appear as the Brigadier is in Geneva.

The Android Invasion
The Kraals create a city full of androids including U.N.I.T soldiers as a training ground for their invasion

The Five Doctors
The Second Doctor arrives at U.N.I.T HQ for a reunion party.

The 7th Doctor finds U.N.I.T at war with aliens from another dimension

The Aliens of London
The 9th Doctor helps U.N.I.T stop the Slitheens invsion of Earth

The Christmas Invasion
Harriet Jones and U.N.I.T worked together to try and stop the Sycorax Invasion

The Sound of Drums
The Master takes over The Valiant – controlled by U.N.I.T but designed by the Master

Torchwood – Reset
Martha Jones helps Torchwood – She is now a Doctor working for U.N.I.T

Torchwood – Fragments
Toshiko was captured by U.N.I.T

The Sontaran Stratagem
The Doctor arrives back on Earth to help Martha Jones and U.N.I.T defeat the Sontarans

Turn Left
Rose teams up with U.N.I.T in a parallel world to help save the Doctor and Donna

The Stolen Earth
Martha is now working in America, the valiant gets destroyed in the Dalek invasion

Enemy of the Bane (SJA)
The Brigadier helps Sarah Jane defeat the Bane

Planet of the Dead
The Doctor contacts U.N.I.T on Earth to help get them back

Children of Earth (TW)
U.N.I.T are angry that the British Government did not contact them before making contact with aliens.

Death of the Doctor (SJA)
The Shansheeth have retrieved the Doctors body and are holding the funeral at a U.N.I.T base.

The Power of Three
Kate Stewart makes her first appearance with U.N.I.T whilst investigating the invasion of the small cubes.

The Day of the Doctor
Kate Stewart brings the TARDIS to London hoping the Doctor will assist U.N.I.T