
Doctor Who The Three Doctors TV Story

The Three Doctors Synopsis

A mysterious black hole is draining away power from the Universe. Even the Time Lords are threatened. The Doctor is also in trouble. Creatures from the black hole besiege UNIT Headquarters. The only person who can help the Doctor is… himself. The Time Lords bring together the first three incarnations of the Doctor to discover the truth about the black hole and stop the energy drain. The Doctors and their companions travel through the black hole itself, into a universe of anti-matter. Here they meet one of the very first Time Lords – Omega, who gave his race the power to travel through time. Trapped for aeons in the black hole, he now plans to escape – whatever the cost.

Story Order

  • Story 65 from Doctor Who
  • Story 1 of 5 from Season 10


30th December 1972
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Three Doctors - Episode One

An antimatter creature attacks UNIT and the Doctor is forced to send an SOS to his people.

6th January 1973
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Three Doctors - Episode Two

Third Doctor and Jo have crossed through the black hole to the strange, desolate world of antimatter

13th January 1973
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Three Doctors - Episode Three

The Doctors are trapped in the universe of antimatter where they confront the creator of the world – Omega.

20th January 1973
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Three Doctors - Episode Four

Omega reveals his intention for the Doctors to take his place in eternal exile.

