The Three Doctors
An antimatter creature attacks UNIT and the Doctor is forced to send an SOS to his people.
Third Doctor and Jo have crossed through the black hole to the strange, desolate world of antimatter
The Doctors are trapped in the universe of antimatter where they confront the creator of the world – Omega.
Omega reveals his intention for the Doctors to take his place in eternal exile.
Carnival of Monsters
On the SS Bernice the TARDIS is stolen by a giant hand and a dinosaur attacks...
The Doctor and Jo have been miniaturised and are trapped inside a Miniscope peepshow.
The Drashigs are rampaging through the Miniscope in pursuit of Jo and the Doctor.
The Doctor is desperate to save the lives of Jo and everyone trapped inside the miniscope.
Frontier in Space
The Doctor and Jo land on a spaceship as it is attacked by Ogrons, which the human crew see as Draconians.
Someone is deliberately attempting to provoke a war between Earth and Draconia.
Accused of being spies, the Doctor is sentenced to imprisonment on the Moon.
The Doctor and Jo are the Master’s prisoners. In a bid to escape, the Doctor makes a dangerous spacewalk.
On Draconia, the Doctor reveals the Master’s plan to provoke war to the Draconian Emperor.
The Doctor leads a mission to the Ogron home world to apprehend the Master and rescue Jo.
Planet of the Daleks
Injured by the Orgrons, the Doctor asks the Time Lords to send the TARDIS after the Daleks.
The Doctor awakes from his coma, befriends some Thals but is captured by the Daleks.
In the Dalek city, the Doctor breaks out of his prison cell and joins forces with the Thals.
The Doctor and the Thals escape from the Dalek city and the Doctor is delighted to find Jo is alive.
Desperate to prevent the Daleks from releasing their plague, the Doctor, Jo and the Thals infiltrate their base.
A force of ten thousand Daleks is coming to life below the surface of Spiridon.
The Green Death
Jo and UNIT investigate a spate of strange deaths near Global Chemicals' plant.
Investigating the old mine workings, Jo and miner, Bert, have become trapped beneath the surface.
A giant maggot hatched from an egg that the Doctor brought back from the mine is on the loose.
Cliff and the Doctor work to find a way to destroy the green maggots.
Captain Mike Yates is taken over by the super computer, BOSS and ordered to kill the Doctor.
Cliff is dying and the maggots are on the verge of transforming into giant flying insects.