On the planet Svartos, the Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) and Mel unexpectedly encounter an old friend – Sabalom Glitz. Joined by Ace, a teenage waitress with a love for explosives, the group ventures off to find the fabled Dragonfire treasure.
Story Order
- Story 147 from Doctor Who
- Story 4 of 4 from Season 24
23rd November 1987
BBC 1 (24 mins)
On Iceworld, the Doctor and Mel meet Ace, who has found herself there after a timestorm.
30th November 1987
BBC 1 (24 mins)
The Doctor and Glitz meet the infamous dragon, which is really a biomechanoid.
7th December 1987
BBC 1 (24 mins)
Shown the archive by the biomechanoid, the Doctor discovers that Kane is from the dead world of Proamon.
- The DoctorSylvester McCoy
- MelanieBonnie Langford
- GlitzTony Selby
- KaneEdward Peel
- BelazsPatricia Quinn
- KracauerTony Osoba
- AceSophie Aldred
- CustomerShirin Taylor
- AndersonIan Mackenzie
- McLuhanStephanie Fayerman
- BazinStuart Organ
- ZedSean Blowers
- PudovkinNigel Miles-Thomas
- The CreatureLeslie Meadows
- AnnouncerLynn Gardner
- StellarMiranda Borman
- ArchivistDaphne Oxenford
- ArnheimChris MacDonnell