Doctor Who Bad Wolf Theme
Bad Wolf was a message scattered in space and time to tempt Rose back to the Game Station to save the Doctor. Later the phrase ‘Bad Wolf’ became a warning, the TARDIS translated every word to Bad Wolf letting the Doctor know that the universe was in danger

The End of the World
The Moxx of Balhoon tells the Face of Boe that being trapped on the exploding Platform One is the classic Bad Wolf scenario

The Unquiet Dead
Gwyneth the parlour maid looks into Rose’s mind and sees The Big Bad Wolf

The Aliens of London
A child graffiti’s Bad Wolf onto the side of the TARDIS

Eccentric billionaire Henry van Statten’s has the security call sign ‘Bad Wolf One’

The Long Game
In the year 200,000 there’s a TV channel called Bad Wolf TV

Fathers Day
‘Bad Wolf’ is scrawled across a 1980s club poster

The Doctor Dances
The missile about to land on the Chula spaceship has ‘Schlechter Wolf’ written on it

Boom Town
The nuclear power station about to destroy Cardiff is called ‘Blaidd Drwg’.

Bad Wolf
The Doctor, Rose and Jack return to Satellite 5, this time known as the Game Station run by the Bad Wolf Corporation

The Parting of the Ways
The message is written around Rose’s council estate

The Parting of the Ways
Rose takes the words from the Bad Wolf logo and scatters them through time and space

Tooth and Claw
The werewolf mentions that Rose has seen the wolf too, and that there is something of the wolf about her

Love & Monsters
Evidence of Rose has been corrupted by a Bad Wolf virus

Rose says goodbye to the Doctor at Bad Wolf Bay

Japanese word Akuro, translates as bad wolf

Silence in the Library
A painting of a Wolf and Rose?

Turn Left
Bad Wolf messages are left everywhere, a warning to the Doctor

The Day of the Doctor
The Moment refers to intself as Rose Tyler, the Bad Wolf