The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough arrive at an underwater Sea Base on Earth, where a scientific and military team led by Commander Vorshak are monitoring a rival power bloc. The team undergo regular missile launch test sequences to ensure that they are ready at all times to combat an attack. Three Silurians led by Icthar – the surviving member of a Silurian triad – revive a colony of Sea Devil Warriors in order to invade the base and use its weapons to attack the opposing power bloc, thus provoking a global war that will allow the reptiles to conquer the Earth…
Story Order
- Story 130 from Doctor Who
- Story 1 of 7 from Season 21
5th January 1984
BBC 1 (24 mins)
A cold war between two superpowers is being fought on Earth in the year 2084.
6th January 1984
BBC 1 (24 mins)
The Sea Devils launch their attack on Sea Base 4 with the Doctor and Tegan inside.
12th January 1984
BBC 1 (24 mins)
The Myrka continues its devastating attack on Sea Base 4 and the Doctor can only halt its progress temporarily.
13th January 1984
BBC 1 (24 mins)
The Silurians now have total control of Sea Base 4 and its proton missiles.
- The DoctorPeter Davison
- TeganJanet Fielding
- TurloughMark Strickson
- VorshakTom Adams
- SolowIngrid Pitt
- NilsonIan McCulloch
- MaddoxMartin Neil
- PrestonTara Ward
- IctharNorman Comer
- KarinaNitza Saul
- ScibusStuart Blake
- TarpokVincent Brimble
- SauvixChristopher Farries
- ParoliJames Coombes
- BulicNigel Humphreys