
Doctor Who The Seeds of Death TV Story

The TARDIS arrives on Earth in the 21st Century, human society is now reliant on T-Mat – a matter transmitting device that beams people and freight instantly to destinations all around the globe, but it’s malfunctioning and the travellers agree to investigate.

Story Order

  • Story 48 from Doctor Who
  • Story 5 of 7 from Season 6


25th January 1969
BBC 1 (23 mins)

Doctor Who - The Seeds of Death - Episode One

The TARDIS arrives on 21st Century Earth where all long distance journeys are made instantaneously by T-Mat.

1st February 1969
BBC 1 (24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Seeds of Death - Episode Two

The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe agree to investigate and set off for the Moon in an old fashioned rocket.

8th February 1969
BBC 1 (24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Seeds of Death - Episode Three

The Ice Warriors intend to use T-Mat to spread a deadly fungus across the world.

15th February 1969
BBC 1 (24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Seeds of Death - Episode Four

As the Martian fungus begins to spread, Zoe, Jamie and Gia Kelly attempt to strike back against the Ice Warriors.

22nd February 1969
BBC 1 (24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Seeds of Death - Episode Five

An Ice Warrior invasion fleet is on its way to the Moon. The Doctor devises a plan to destroy the Martian fungus.

1st March 1969
BBC 1 (24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Seeds of Death - Episode Six

Returning to the Moonbase, the Doctor confronts Slaar and the remaining Ice Warriors.


  • Dr. WhoSecond DoctorPatrick Troughton
  • ZoeZoe HeriotWendy Padbury
  • JamieJamie McCrimmonFrazer Hines


  • Dr. WhoPatrick Troughton
  • Gia KellyLouise Pajo
  • Computer VoiceJohn Witty
  • BrentRic Felgate
  • OsgoodHarry Towb
  • RadnorRonald Leigh-Hunt
  • FewshamTerry Scully
  • PhippsChristopher Coll
  • LockeMartin Cort
  • ZoeWendy Padbury
  • JamieFrazer Hines
  • EldredPhilip Ray
  • SlaarAlan Bennion
  • Ice WarriorSteve Peters
  • Ice WarriorTony Harwood
  • Security GuardDerrick Slater
  • Ice WarriorSonny Caldinez
  • Stunt ManAlan Chuntz
  • Sir James GregsonHugh Morton
  • Grand MarshallGraham Leaman