
Doctor Who The Brain of Morbius TV Story

The Brain of Morbius Synopsis

The planet Karn is home both to a mystic Sisterhood, whose sacred flame produces an elixir of life, and to Solon, a fanatical scientist who is using the remnants of spaceship crash victims to put together a new body for the still-living brain of the executed Time Lord criminal Morbius. When the Doctor and Sarah arrive on the planet, Solon decides that the Doctor’s head is just what he needs to complete his work.

Story Order

  • Story 84 from Doctor Who
  • Story 5 of 6 from Season 13


3rd January 1976
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Brain of Morbius - Part One

On the planet Karn, Dr Solon is secretly hiding the living brain of the Time Lord criminal, Morbius.

10th January 1976
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Brain of Morbius - Part Two

The Doctor is a prisoner of the Sisterhood of Karn who intend to burn him at the stake.

17th January 1976
(25 mins)

Doctor Who - The Brain of Morbius - Part Three

Sarah has been blinded and the Doctor asks the Sisterhood for help.

24th January 1976
(24 mins)

Doctor Who - The Brain of Morbius - Part Four

Morbius, housed in a terrifying new body, lives and breathes once more.



  • Doctor WhoTom Baker
  • Sarah Jane SmithElisabeth Sladen
  • SolonPhilip Madoc
  • MarenCynthia Grenville
  • OhicaGilly Brown
  • SisterSue Bishop
  • SisterJanie Kells
  • SisterGabrielle Mowbray
  • SisterVeronica Ridge
  • CondoColin Fay
  • KrizJohn Scott Martin
  • Voice of MorbiusMichael Spice
  • MonsterStuart Fell
  • MorbiusStuart Fell