Doctor Who and the Silurians Synopsis
A race of intelligent reptiles wakes from hibernation in the caves beneath Derbyshire, and sets about reclaiming the planet as their own.
A race of intelligent reptiles wakes from hibernation in the caves beneath Derbyshire, and sets about reclaiming the planet as their own.
UNIT are summoned to Wenley Moor research station which is experiencing mysterious power losses.
Investigating the caves, the Doctor is attacked by a dinosaur-like creature.
The creature from the caves, wounded and dangerous, is on the loose on Wenley Moor.
Fearful of a war breaking out between the Silurians and mankind, the Doctor attempts to make peace.
When the Silurian leader is killed, all hopes of peace are lost.
As the Silurian plague quickly spreads, the Doctor desperately searches for a cure.
With the antidote to the plague found, the Silurians retaliate and take over the research centre.