Where is the Doctor? When the skies of Earth are frozen by a mysterious alien force, Clara needs her friend.
Trapped and alone in a terrifying Dalek city, the Doctor is at the heart of an evil Empire with nobody to help.
When an Underwater Base comes under attack, the Doctor and Clara must save the frightened crew.
A fearsome alien warlord – the Fisher King – sets in motion a twisted plan to ensure his own survival.
Captured by Vikings, the Doctor must help protect their village from Space Warriors from the future: the Mire.
England, 1651. The deadly Highwayman ‘The Nightmare’ and his sidekick stalk the dark streets of London.
The Zygons, a race of shapeshifting aliens, have been living in secret among us on Earth, unknown and unseen.
With UNIT neutralised, only the Doctor stands in the Zygons way. Trying to stop their war and save his friends.
This terrifying story is assembled from footage discovered in the wreckage of Le Verrier Space Station.
The Doctor and Clara, find themselves in a magical alien world, hidden on a street in the heart of London.
Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives.
Returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time itself.
The Doctor is recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy.
With brain-swapping aliens poised to attack, the Doctor and Nardole link up with an investigative reporter.