Doctor and Ace receive a mysterious distress signal and land in the Earth village of Carbury, where a nuclear convoy has halted. The Doctor’s concern is heightened when knights from another dimension begin to land in the area. Nearby is Lake Voortigen, the mythical resting-place of Excalibur, King Arthur’s mystical sword… But the lake holds a more sinister secret. A spaceship from the same alien dimension lurks under the lake – but does it really contain Arthur’s corpse? And what is it that the Witch Queen, Morgaine, is really after?
Story Order
- Story 152 from Doctor Who
- Story 1 of 4 from Season 26
6th September 1989
BBC 1 (24 mins)
Knights in armour arrive to contine waging a war that began thousands of years ago
13th September 1989
BBC 1 (24 mins)
The Doctor and Ace explore King Arthur's spaceship deep under Lake Vortigern,
20th September 1989
BBC 1 (24 mins)
Morgaine threatens to unleash the Destroyer upon the planet unless the Doctor gives her what she wants.
27th September 1989
BBC 1 (24 mins)
The Brigadier slays the Destroyer while Morgaine takes control of UNIT's nuclear warhead.
- The DoctorSylvester McCoy
- AceSophie Aldred
- MorgaineJean Marsh
- Brigadier Lethbridge-StewartNicholas Courtney
- Peter WarmslyJames Ellis
- Brigadier Winifred BamberaAngela Bruce
- MordredChristoper Bowen
- AncelynMarcus Gilbert
- DorisAngela Douglas
- Pat RowlinsonNoel Collins
- Elizabeth RowlinsonJune Bland
- Shou YuingLing Tai
- Sergeant ZbrignievRobert Jezek
- Flight Lieutenant LavelDorota Rae
- Knight CommanderStefan Schwartz
- Major HusakPaul Tomany
- Stunt ManAlf Joint
- The DestroyerMarek Anton