Destiny of the Daleks
The TARDIS lands on the old Dalek homeworld of Skaro, with the newly regenerated Romana.
Romana is captured and interrogated by the Daleks whilst the Doctor meets the Movellans.
Davros has awoken from his centuries long slumber and is taken prisoner by the Doctor.
The Doctor discovers that the Daleks need Davros to break the stalemate in their war with the Movellans.
City of Death
While on holiday in Paris, the Doctor and Romana experience a time distortion.
The Doctor and Romana become the reluctant guests of Scarlioni who is planning to steal the Mona Lisa.
Count Scarlioni is revealed to really be Scaroth, and is funding the construction of a time machine.
Scaroth intends to travel back in time to save his own people from destruction.
The Creature from the Pit
The planet Chloris. Drawn here by a mysterious distress signal, the Doctor becomes the prisoner of the ruthless Adrasta.
The Doctor is in a pit with a deadly creature. And Adrasta has plans for Romana and K-9.
The Doctor has come face to face with a massive green creature. Adrasta goes into the mines to kill the monster.
The truth about the creature is revealed. But its imprisonment may have already set in motion a terrible revenge.
Nightmare of Eden
The starships Empress and Hecate are fused together after an accident in hyperspace.
Monsters and drug smugglers are loose on the ship. And it all seems to tie in with Tryst's electronic zoo…
The Doctor and Romana begin to uncover the truth about the strange events aboard the luxury liner Empress.
The Doctor finally discovers the truth about the drug smuggling ring. But the villains are still one step ahead.
The Horns of Nimon
With the TARDIS disabled in order to undergo repairs, the Doctor is powerless when Romana is kidnapped.
On Skonnos, Romana and the Athenian youngsters are forced into the labyrinth of the power complex.
The Doctor and Romana begin to suspect that the Nimon is only the first of a full scale invasion.
On the dying world of Crinoth, Romana discovers the truth behind the Nimon's empty promises.