
Doctor Who Destiny of the Daleks Part Three

Saturday, 15th September 1979 6:10PM BBC 1 (24 mins)

Destiny of the Daleks – Part Three Synopsis

Davros has awoken from his centuries long slumber and is taken prisoner by the Doctor before the Daleks can reach him. But the Daleks will stop at nothing to recover their creator.

Episode Order

Story Order

  • Story 104 from Doctor Who
  • Story 1 of 5 from Season 17



  • Doctor WhoTom Baker
  • RomanaLalla Ward
  • TyssanTim Barlow
  • Commander SharrelPeter Straker
  • DavrosDavid Gooderson
  • AgellaSuzanne Danielle
  • LanTony Osoba
  • Dalek OperatorCy Town
  • Dalek OperatorMike Mungarvan
  • Dalek VoiceRoy Skelton