
Doctor Who Destiny of the Daleks Part Four

Saturday, 22nd September 1979 6:15PM BBC 1 (26 mins)

Destiny of the Daleks – Part Four Synopsis

The Doctor discovers that the Daleks need Davros to break the stalemate in their war with the Movellans, and the Movellans now want the Doctor to fulfil the same purpose for them.

Episode Order

Story Order

  • Story 104 from Doctor Who
  • Story 1 of 5 from Season 17



  • Doctor WhoTom Baker
  • RomanaLalla Ward
  • TyssanTim Barlow
  • Commander SharrelPeter Straker
  • DavrosDavid Gooderson
  • AgellaSuzanne Danielle
  • LanTony Osoba
  • Movellan GuardCassandra
  • JallPenny Casdagli
  • VeldanDavid Yip
  • Dalek OperatorCy Town
  • Dalek OperatorMike Mungarvan
  • Dalek VoiceRoy Skelton