
Doctor Who The Witchfinders

Sunday, 25th November 2018 6:30PM BBC One (47 mins)

The Witchfinders Synopsis

In 17th-century Lancashire, the Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham become embroiled in a witch trial and the arrival of King James I.

Episode Order

  • Episode 847 from Doctor Who
  • Episode 8 of 10 from Series 11

Story Order

  • Story 284 from Doctor Who
  • Story 8 of 10 from Series 11




  • The DoctorJodie Whittaker
  • Graham O'BrienBradley Walsh
  • Ryan SinclairTosin Cole
  • Yasmin KhanMandip Gill
  • King JamesAlan Cumming
  • Becka SavageSiobhan Finneran
  • Willa TwistonTilly Steele
  • Old Mother TwistonTricia Kelly
  • SmithyArthur Kay
  • AlfonsoStavros Demetraki