
Doctor Who The Savages Episode 1

Saturday, 28th May 1966 5:35PM BBC 1 (24 mins)

The Savages – Episode 1 Synopsis

The TARDIS takes the Doctor, Dodo and Steven to a world in the future. They’re welcomed by Jano, leader of an advanced civilization, but a secret lies behind the ‘utopian’ society.

Episode Order

Story Order

  • Story 26 from Doctor Who
  • Story 9 of 10 from Season 3




  • Dr. WhoWilliam Hartnell
  • Steven TaylorPeter Purves
  • DodoJackie Lane
  • ChalEwen Solon
  • TorPatrick Godfrey
  • Captain EdalPeter Thomas
  • ExorseGeoffrey Frederick
  • JanoFrederick Jaeger
  • AvonRobert Sidaway
  • FlowerKay Patrick
  • NaninaClare Jenkins
  • SentaNorman Henry
  • WyldaEdward Caddick