
Doctor Who The Empty Child

Saturday, 21st May 2005 6:30PM BBC One (42 mins)

The Empty Child Synopsis

It is 1941 and the Blitz is raging. A mysterious cylinder is being guarded by the Army, while homeless children, living on the bombsites, are being terrorised by an unearthly child. And when Rose meets the dashing Captain Jack Harkness, it seems she may have found a hero better than the Doctor himself.

Episode Order

  • Episode 705 from Doctor Who
  • Episode 9 of 13 from Series 1
  • Episode 1 of 2

Story Order

  • Story 164 from Doctor Who
  • Story 8 of 10 from Series 1




  • Doctor WhoChristopher Eccleston
  • Rose TylerBillie Piper
  • Nightclub SingerKate Harvey
  • The ChildAlbert Valentine
  • NancyFlorence Hoath
  • Mrs LloydCheryl Ferguson
  • Mr LloydDamian Samuels
  • Jack HarknessJohn Barrowman
  • AlgyRobert Hands
  • JimJoseph Tremain
  • ErnieJordan Murphy
  • AlfBrandon Miller
  • Dr ConstantineRichard Wilson OBE
  • Voice of The Empty ChildNoah Johnson
  • Computer VoiceDian Perry