
Doctor Who Silver Nemesis Part Two

Wednesday, 30th November 1988 7:35PM BBC 1 (24 mins)

Silver Nemesis – Part Two Synopsis

The Cybermen have the Nemesis Statue but Lady Peinforte and Richard fight back because they were prepared with gold-tipped arrows and De Flores still has a plan to set in motion.

Episode Order

Story Order

  • Story 150 from Doctor Who
  • Story 3 of 4 from Season 25



  • The DoctorSylvester McCoy
  • AceSophie Aldred
  • De FloresAnton Diffring
  • Lady PeinforteFiona Walker
  • RichardGerard Murphy
  • KarlMetin Yenal
  • Cyber LeaderDavid Banks
  • Cyber LieutenantMark Hardy
  • CybermanBrian Orrell
  • SkinheadChris Chering
  • SkinheadSymond Lawes