
Doctor Who Full Circle Part Four

Saturday, 15th November 1980 5:40PM BBC 1 (24 mins)

Full Circle – Part Four Synopsis

The Marshmen are on the rampage through the ship and the Doctor finally uncovers the tragic truth of the Starliner.

Episode Order

Story Order

  • Story 111 from Doctor Who
  • Story 3 of 7 from Season 18




  • Doctor WhoTom Baker
  • RomanaLalla Ward
  • LoginGeorge Baker
  • NefredJames Bree
  • GarifAlan Rowe
  • AdricMatthew Waterhouse
  • VarshRichard Willis
  • KearaJune Page
  • TylosBernard Padden
  • MarshmanBarney Lawrence
  • Voice of K-9John Leeson